Sandton CBD leads office market recovery

Category Property News

There are early indications that the grade-A office market might be staging a recovery, Rode's Report on the SA Property Market for the first quarter of 2012 indicates.

The rally is being led by the Sandton CBD, which showed rental growth of 16% in the fourth quarter of 2011.

Digging behind the scenes of Sandton's rental performance reveals declining vacancy rates on the back of improving demand for A-grade office space, the report notes.

In other top office nodes, however, the rental performance was not as impressive. Here nominal rental-growth below building-cost inflation (+14%) is the general observation.

However, the report notes, for the time being no improvement in the demand for industrial space is discernible and this explains the pedestrian performance of industrial rentals.

In the reporting quarter, Pretoria (+8%) showed the best yearly growth.

"The picture was, however, more dreary in the other conurbations, with nominal-rental growth ranging between 2% and 3% for the Central Witwatersrand, the Cape Peninsula and Durban.

"In Port Elizabeth nominal rentals were 1% lower when compared to a year earlier," the report said.

At the same time, signs of a possible improvement in investment demand for industrial and office properties became visible in the fourth quarter of 2011.

This as capitalisation rates on these property types strengthened (decreased) marginally.

But, cautions property economist Erwin Rode, "one should not read too much into this, considering that office and industrial vacancy rates are still stubbornly refusing to drop, while rentals are finding it difficult to beat inflation. This, naturally, does not augur well for capital-growth prospects."

On the residential-rental front, while townhouses showed no growth compared to a year ago, rentals on flats and houses were able to show a 4% growth.

"As if dealing with mediocre growth in rentals was not enough, landlords who do not meter electricity separately will soon face another severe hike in operating costs in the form of seriously higher power costs - this on top of ever-rising assessment rates," said Rode.

"On the positive side, however, landlords who still have to service mortgage debt can for now breathe a sigh of relief in light of the Reserve Bank's decision to keep interest rates steady for the time being," Rode said.

The housing market continues to be stuck in a rut, this in spite of a year of record low interest rates.

"It seems that neither households nor mortgage providers are taking the bait of low borrowing costs," noted Rode.

Banks themselves seem to be constrained by the still frustratingly high ratios of debt to disposable income. A further factor that has entered the equation quite recently is the explosive growth in unsecured loans.

These factors form an important brake on granting mortgage bonds - and one can add to this concoction the expected sharp increase in utility charges, expected more modest salary in-creases this year, and the fact that house prices are still very high in real terms, he concluded.

Author: Warehouse Finder

Submitted 04 Apr 12 / Views 6940